Why don't I get enough sleep???

Sometimes, even after 8-9 hours of sleep, a person may feel tired. The quality of sleep depends not only on its duration, but also on other external factors that we often do not think about.

Sleep and biorhythms

One of the main biological rhythms is circadian - 24 hours. The human body synchronizes with the change of day and night, and the period from dusk to dawn is most favorable for sleep. It is believed that 8-9 hours is the optimal duration of sleep, and experts advise falling asleep before 11 pm. However, the quality of sleep depends not only on its duration and time of ascent.

Chronobiology as a science originated in the XVIII century. She investigates periodic phenomena occurring in living organisms over time. These cycles are called biological rhythms. Chronobiological works include research in the field of comparative anatomy, physiology, genetics, and molecular biology.

There are two phases: fast and slow sleep. Slow sleep:

  • Stage I 10-15 minutes. The state of drowsiness.
  • Stage II 20 minutes. Deeper immersion into sleep, however, the person remains sensitive to external sounds.
  • Stage III 45 minutes. The stage of deeper immersion in sleep.
  • Stage IV Deep sleep. 45 minutes.

Fast sleep is the fifth stage of sleep, lasts about 60 minutes. A sleeping person is in the most active state, dreams can be remembered. This period is called "paradoxical", since during this phase the muscles remain relaxed, and the brain, on the contrary, is active and ready to receive and process information. For healthy sleep, it is necessary to go through 3-6 cycles. A lighter rise is expected at the stage of light sleep — at the 1st or 2nd stage.

In accordance with these phases, various applications and gadgets work that analyze sleep and choose the most appropriate period for recovery. You can calculate these stages yourself and determine the time at which you need to get up.

Consequently, if one of these phases is disrupted or the transition between them occurs too quickly, sleep disturbances occur regardless of its duration. Disruption of nighttime sleep affects not only daytime activities, but is also associated with various adverse health consequences, such as obesity, deterioration in quality of life and even mortality.

What harms our sleep

Using gadgets before going to bed

The light from electronics sends alarm signals to the brain. The circadian rhythm seems particularly sensitive to light with short waves, in particular to the blue color in the 460-nanometer range of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is emitted by gadgets, as well as energy-saving light bulbs. This light, according to a study by the international organization Sleep Foundation, delays the release of melatonin, a hormone that is produced for healthy sleep.

Melatonin informs the body about the onset of night and prepares it for sleep, but the light from gadgets interferes with its production and causes anxiety.

In other words, gadgets force you to be in an excited state before going to bed and will not allow you to go to the stage of deep sleep for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary not to use gadgets at least an hour before bedtime and reduce the light.


Strong odors

Certain smells can affect your sleep. For example, the Sleep Foundation has determined that lavender reduces heart rate and blood pressure. This could potentially lead to a more relaxed state. In the study, scientists observed the subjects' brain waves at night and found that those who sniffed lavender before going to bed slept more soundly and felt more cheerful in the morning. Another study of infants showed that they cried less and slept more soundly after a bath with lavender-scented oils. Of course, lavender is not a cure for insomnia, but the presence of oils, candles or sachets in the room can be soothing.

However, too strong scents can also disrupt your sleep. In particular, it is necessary to carefully choose detergents. Some of them can cause irritation and, as a result, cause the body to be in an excited state, even if thoughts do not interfere with sleep.

Late physical activity

If you do active physical activities before going to bed, after them your body is in a state of wakefulness, even if it seems to you that you are tired and ready for bed. The muscles are in tension for at least two more hours (depending on the intensity of training). By exercising before melatonin begins to be produced (on average, the process begins at 8 pm), on the contrary, you contribute to rapid falling asleep and healthy sleep. At least two hours before bedtime, physical activity is undesirable. For example, if you go to bed at 11, sports, respectively, should end at 8 pm.

Caffeine consumption

Caffeine is found not only in coffee and energy drinks. The body can excite the use of Coca-Cola, cocoa, dark chocolate, strong tea. Accordingly, other desserts containing these ingredients are also not recommended to be consumed before bedtime.

Uncomfortable temperature for sleeping

The thermal environment is a key factor for sleep, according to researchers at the National Institutes of Health. Too high or low ambient temperature can affect the sleep of even healthy people who do not suffer from insomnia. Among the various thermal environmental factors, the relationship between the use of clothing and bedding in humans and animals varies greatly. The effect of temperature on the sleep stage varies depending on whether the subjects are semi-naked or using bedding and clothing. This greatly helps to maintain body temperature at an acceptable thermal level in various environments.

The optimal temperature for sleeping is 20 degrees, the room must be ventilated beforehand. Accordingly, at such a temperature, clothes and a blanket should not increase your body temperature, but maintain it. Melatonin is more actively produced in a cool, ventilated room, as blood circulation improves in such an environment.

Author: Eliza Gilmourd